Blog/Forum Designs

Rachel Ferruci: Blog Re-Design

Rachel is a very dear blogger friend of mine! We began working together a few months ago when she was having issues with her current host. I moved her business website over to my servers and once that was resolved, she decided to hire me to redesign both her professonal website AND her personal blog! […]

Roo Ciambriello: Bio Design

Roo came to me for a simple personal, yet professional, biography site that utilized one page to display her information for visitors to quickly navigate through details about her as well as how to contact her and connect with her through social media. Anyone interested in finding out more about her now has all of […]

All Dog Boots: Blog Design

Karen came to me in search of a blog design that would mirror her existing website. She wanted it to have its own appeal, but to integrate flawlessly into the scheme she already had in place. I chose to customize the Thesis theme for her blog, giving particular detail to the header portion in order […]

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