2 Cutie Patooties: Professional Website

Awbrey, owner of 2 Cutie Patooties, contracted my services to host, migrate, and redesign her website. She wanted an attractive, fun, and bright appearance to match the spirit of her company. We initially went through several drafts consisting of different layouts and color schemes centered around an eCommerce feel. Awbrey ultimately decided she did not wish to integrate a cart system into the website but rather wanted a place for visitors, potential customers, and prospective consultants to find information and connect with one another. Once this decision was made, I presented Awbrey with a design on the Thesis framework which she immediately fell in love with!

The Digital Latina: Logo Creation & Header Update

Rachel wanted to keep her basic brand feel but update her logo and header to include personal images and a cleaner, one-row header absent of the exiting busy appearance. Her previous design can be viewed by clicking here. After revamping her brand, she was excited as she approved the following: Logo Website Header Banner:

Blogalicious Conference: Professional Website

When Stacey Ferguson contacted me to inquire about revamping the Blogalicious network of websites, I was excited about the opportunity to give their visitors a more streamlined experience. The Blogalicious website is now easily navigable, intuitive, informational, and attractive.

Erin C Lane: {Professional Website}

Erin recently started an official business for the consulting services she has been providing to her clients. It was my pleasure to take her vision and turn it into a beautiful web presence for her company, ECL Communications. She already had a nice logo, simple yet pleasing to the eye so we took the existing […]

Rachel Ferruci: Blog Re-Design

Rachel is a very dear blogger friend of mine! We began working together a few months ago when she was having issues with her current host. I moved her business website over to my servers and once that was resolved, she decided to hire me to redesign both her professonal website AND her personal blog! […]

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