headers and banners

Rachel Ferruci: Blog Re-Design

Rachel is a very dear blogger friend of mine! We began working together a few months ago when she was having issues with her current host. I moved her business website over to my servers and once that was resolved, she decided to hire me to redesign both her professonal website AND her personal blog! […]

Garden Of Many: Graphic Design {Header Banner}

Lisa is a good friend and client of mine who came to me recently with several projects, all of which will eventually be featured. For now, however, the showcase will simply be kicked off with the header from her personal blog which I’ve just completed installing. Lisa’s Secret HideAway @ GardenOfMany.com is her “baby” … […]

BabyGoodBuys.com: Graphic Design {Social Media Icons}

I was privileged to meet Marybeth in person a few weeks ago when I attended a blogger meetup in New Orleans, LA called Bloggers On Bourbon, hosted by MomDot and BookieBoo/Mamavation. I absolutely adore her :) I was ecstatic when she came to me for a blog design on a new project she hasn’t yet […]

All Dog Boots: Blog Design

Karen came to me in search of a blog design that would mirror her existing website. She wanted it to have its own appeal, but to integrate flawlessly into the scheme she already had in place. I chose to customize the Thesis theme for her blog, giving particular detail to the header portion in order […]

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