WordPress Blogger Importer Plugin Issue: Publishes Articles Saved as Drafts

I’ve noticed in processing the last few Blogger to WordPress migrations for clients that their draft articles are being processed into WordPress as “published” which makes them accessible by readers rather than saved privately in the back end of the site for completion.

After doing some research, I have found that the problem is within the plugin that performs the import itself — the function isDraft was returning a perpetual “false” statement because of an incorrect schema used for parsing the Blogger XML. In order to fix this glitch, you’ll need to open the file blogger-importer-blogitem.php within the Blogger Importer plugin and change the following:


define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOMPUB', 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app');


define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOMPUB', 'http://purl.org/atom/app#');

Make sure you replace the entire string and that you keep the second string completely intact, including the hash symbol at the end of “app” in order for this to work properly. Importing using the plugin after making this modification should return published, scheduled, and draft articles appropriately.

As always, if you are not comfortable making these changes or would like assistance, contact us for assistance!

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