Graphic Design

The Digital Latina: Logo Creation & Header Update

Rachel wanted to keep her basic brand feel but update her logo and header to include personal images and a cleaner, one-row header absent of the exiting busy appearance. Her previous design can be viewed by clicking here. After revamping her brand, she was excited as she approved the following: Logo Website Header Banner:

All Dog Boots: Sizing Charts

I’ve worked with Karen on several projects… this one was probably one of the most involved design processes I’ve done in quite some time :) Karen is very particular about what she wants, which aligns with the fact that she takes her business very seriously and ensures that everything that goes into the presence of […]

Diary of a Chic Mommy: Graphic Design {Event Button}

Tyesha contracted me for hosting and a blog transfer to WordPress from Blogger a while back and we’ve since developed a great working relationship so I was thrilled when she came to me for a Christmas event button. She sent me the background she wanted and gave me an idea of what she wanted reflected […]

Garden Of Many: Graphic Design {Header Banner}

Lisa is a good friend and client of mine who came to me recently with several projects, all of which will eventually be featured. For now, however, the showcase will simply be kicked off with the header from her personal blog which I’ve just completed installing. Lisa’s Secret HideAway @ is her “baby” … […]

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