HOW TO: Export Email Subscription List from FeedBurner

With the current uncertainty in regards to whether Google is soon to cancel their FeedBurner service, it’s a good idea to back up your email subscriber list and be prepared to choose another service to manage your RSS feeds. If you’re unsure of how to accomplish this, follow these instructions:

  1. Log into your FeedBurner account. In the “My Feeds” screen, select the feed you would like to manage.
  2. Go to the “Publicize” tab.
  3. Click on Email Subscriptions in the sidebar link list.
  4. Select the Subscription Management option that appears under Email Subscriptions.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of that screen and click on View Subscriber Details. That will show a listing of your email subscribers.
  6. Click the link beside Export that says “CSV” to download your subscriber list.

If you would like to receive an email from us with details on options for replacing FeedBurner, subscribe to our mailing list today! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

One Response Comment

  • Kat,

    I thought you would like to know that another blogger has taken content from your site and posted it as her own If the content mysteriously disappears from her site don’t worry; I took a screen shot. You can email me and I will give it to you.

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