Twitter Tools Connection Failure? Try Hootsuite!

I’ve seen a lot of bloggers with the Twitter Tools dilemma since Twitter changed their authorization method for third party connections. Now, your password can’t be stored in a third party application – it has to go through OAuth which has cause a lot of disarray in the blogging world for those who typically were […]

HOW TO: Fix the Custom File Editor’s Fatal Call Error in Thesis Theme on WordPress 3.0

If you have upgraded to WordPress 3.0 and use the Thesis theme, you may have noticed that now you receive a fatal call error when trying to access your custom.css file via the Custom File Editor within your Thesis options that looks something like this: Fatal error: Call to undefined function use_codepress() in /DIRECTORY/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_17/lib/admin/admin.php on […]

WordPress Basics, Part 3: Publishing Articles & Adding Media

PLEASE NOTE: The current version of WordPress is 3.0.1. As newer versions are released, certain information provided here may possibly become outdated or irrelevant. Previously, I covered the differences between WordPress-hosted and self-hosted WordPress platforms as well as some tips on learning your way around the WordPress dashboard. The plan for this WordPress Basics series […]

WordPress: Blogger Importer 403 Auth Error — THE FIX!!

UPDATE: The Blogger import plug-in has been updated since this article was written. You may download and run the tool successfully on the WordPress platform. For those of you who read my workaround post regarding this issue, there is now an actual fix so that you can use the Blogger Importer without retrieving a 403 […]

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